March Joy Dare 16, 17, 18

16. 3 hard Eucharisteos
Eucharisteos (Greek): to be grateful, feel thankful; give thanks

  • receiving rebuke: who wants to be told they're in sin and need to change?  But then, how can we  know sometime, or actually move forward and try to repent if not for accountability and swift kicks in the posterior?
  • people I don't naturally get along with.  It's easy to love someone you like, it's way hard to love someone you're constantly butting heads with.  And yet we are to love both, and are commended for the latter (Matthew 5:43-48).
  • Yesterday's fiasco with the youth group's LCD projection, running around to make sure things are taken care of.  How to handle yourself in a "crisis" situation, how to help others through it?

17. a gift turned, folded, hung

  •  Things turned around for our fiasco yesterday after the children's ministry lent us their ELMO machine!  Thank you, children's ministry!

  • Mamacheng folded the laundry for me.  Thank you Mama! 
  • My clothes.  Thank goodness for some time to clean my room again!

18. 3 gifts red

  • Watermelon.  We prayed, Father answered.  So sweet!
  • Netflix.  Don't laugh at me.  I kinda love my movies.


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