March Joy Dare 13, 14, 15
13. 3 gifts round
14. 3 gifts found in silence
15. 3 gifts given away
- Oranges. Yum.
- Enough quarters for parking today. I always forget to bring some.
- Cupcake. Took one, then gave it away to some little girls who don't understand the concept of "there's no more..." Sigh. Bittersweet, I would have loved that cupcake. BUT, it meant that I was able to be saved from extra carbs...
14. 3 gifts found in silence
- Rest for my introverted self.
- Sanity.
- Sleep.
15. 3 gifts given away
- Cupcake that was supposed to be a treat after fasting 30 hours. I had gave it away to some little girls who don't understand the concept of "there's no more..." Sigh. Bittersweet, I would have loved that cupcake. BUT, it meant that I was able to be saved from extra carbs...
- Purse that I bought in a vain gesture, but then was convinced by wiser girls (aka youth group girls) that my current purse must be used until it falls apart--get what you need, not what you simply want. Gave it away to Narutobridesmaid who recently misplaced her own purse. Felt a supreme sense of accomplishment, especially since we were helping her with a makeover. :) Made me take a look at my spending choices.
- Giving away clothes...letting go of my need to hoard stuff and materialistic tendencies, decluttering the room, and counting my blessings.
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