February Joy Dare 27, 28, 29 (forgot to post this earlier)
27. 3 ugly-beautiful gifts (see beauty in ugly)
28. 3 gifts from the past--that help you trust the future
- Shingles rashes and blisters: I found out I got shingles the night of my birthday. Boooo. I spent a week in bed, my ear and neck were covered in blisters, I was in pain. But...I got to rest up and take a break in the midst of a stressful second semester! I had time to concentrate on me, on catching up on sleep, on just being rather than doing. (but thank God that it healed within a week!)
- they're not ugly, but some of my more difficult clients. They're hard to deal with, but they are just as precious and in need of love as anyone else!
28. 3 gifts from the past--that help you trust the future
- Got a lovely book: More than serving tea: Asian American women on expectations, relationships, leadership, and faith from the Lilbro about Asian American women and Christianity! I first heard about this book at the 2006 Urbana Conference, while listening to a panel of women speak, and it really sparked a light and passion in me, evidenced by previous posts, about discovering my unique identity, and living out the high purpose, as a Chinese-American woman. I'm excited to revisit this book, read through it, and continue to learn how to be a true daughter of the Most High in light of the culture, space, and time He placed me in.
- Re-reading my journals: though this is way embarrassing for me to remember and mull over the craziness that was the younger-me-mess, being able to recount the blessings of the Lord on my life, and all the lessons of faith I've walked through. Not only is this a gift for me, but a healthy spiritual practice. Over and over again, God calls His people to remember as a way to re-ignite love and passion for Him and to find courage again to walk into freedom. So true, so wise, thanks God!
- All the close relationships I've been blessed by over the past decades. My closest and most important relationships all have the great quality of endurance; from HK friends to my MOHs, I have the best, most amazing, patient friends who are willing to pick up from WHEREVER we last left off.
- Dullness being at home, but happy I have rest!
- The sunbeam shimmering and reflecting from the stream during the hike. Beautiful!
- Clean living room: my dad vacuumed! Thank you, Papacheng!
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