Joy Dare Super Catch-Up: 23, 24, 25
OMGoodness, a week has flown by and I'm up to my neck in assignments and research. Feeling really overwhelmed, so taking a break to give thanks to the, a dear Mrs. Rock has made a request, so here we go!
23. 3 gifts found in Christ
- Grace: Although it is more theologically sound to call myself "a saint struggling with sin" rather than "sinner striving for righteousness," I often feel more like the latter, since I am still so acutely feeling the consequences of sins past and present. Thank you for your abundant grace!
- Fellowship: thursday night women's small group is always a blessing and pleasure. Thank you for lovely friends and mentors to challenge me in my faith and to encourage me!
- Peace: As a chronic worrier, I get caught up in my stress. Thank you for calming me down, giving me friends to make me see perspective, and for opportunities to be still and to know You.
24. 3 things blue
- Blue lunch bag: I feel really childish for admitting to this, but my mom still packs food for me as I go off to school and work. I often forget to give thanks, but I really appreciate her sacrificially getting up before dawn every morning to make sure I don't starve...I never wake up in time to pack my own lunch, sigh.
- Blue headband that kept my hair from falling into my face. It seems superficial, but I was really grateful for it.
- New blue pants: Got them for cheap at Target, they feel so comfortable! Thank you God for the money to buy the things I need. "Why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin." (Matthew 6:2). But I still like to look cute...
25. one grace borrowed, one grace found, one grace inherited
- Borrowed a therapeutic game for the year: In my internship, I often use games to build relationships with the students I'm counseling, including a game specifically for therapy talk. I used to have to get to school early to track down the school psychologist who has it in order to use it for the day...this was a big hassle. She now has let me borrow it for the rest of the year! So happy!
- Found and caught a mistake in my paperwork early on, so I was able to correct it and submit it in time. Thank you!
- Inheritance of family blessings: My family can trace its blessings to my grandmother, who became a believer as an adult and proceeded to share the gospel with her husband and children. Today, she's with the Lord witnessing most of her children knowing the Lord, one son and three grandchildren in full time ministry, and many of us serving faithfully in the Church.
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