February Joy Dare 2, 3, 4

2. 3 things overheard today, all gifts
  • "You look cute"--OMGoodness, you don't understand how much this broken person needs to hear that on a day she feels UNcute and totally hating the outfit she has on, as if that has anything to do with her true worth..  Haha.
  • "I know you can help me."  A new client said that to me, and I was filled both with hope and nervousness, because I really want to help this student, but am totally not confident in my ability to do so. A gift, and a challenge!
  • Hearing how many people are willing to look out for me while my parents are out of town for a few days, thank you!
3. 3 gifts in writing
  • Email from my professor reminding me to breathe and not stress about an assignment!  I've never had a professor (in higher academia) reach out to me like that.  I guess one of the benefits of going to a small school like with the Trojans? :)
  • the Word.  Always.
  • blogs from my friends detailing the graces they find in their lives.  Blessed vicariously!

4. 3 gifts found when bent down

  • my dog, who is always hounding me for affection and playtime!  She's my source of comfort and companionship today.
  • my dinner waiting at the door, sent to me for the next few days, ensuring I'll be properly fed every week.
  • fitness:  taking Zumba is working out my legs and abdomen like crazy. Each time I bend down I thank Him for a resilient, somewhat-healthy body.  Trying to take care of it more.


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