April Joy Dare 23-30
23. 3 gifts reflecting
24. 3 gifts fragile
25. a gift cloth, steel, wood
26. 3 gifts moving
27. 3 gifts "ugly beautiful"
28. 3 gifts orange
29. 3 gifts in dirt
30. a gift given, made, sacrificed
- times of reflection in class of all I learned about helping people and about myself at the end of my first year of grad school!
- any application from the Word. Life-giving!
- reflecting on past blessings and lessons from TWSTMs of yore. Can't wait for chapter 3!
24. 3 gifts fragile
- trust. I'm glad to have kept friends' trusts over the years!
- My TV's color vision...20 years and counting!
- My phone's screen...happy that even though I've dropped it 128928201 times, the screen hasn't been scratched or cracked!
25. a gift cloth, steel, wood
- clothes from my Mamacheng, she is always so good to me!
- the steel poles for the new awning for our new church construction project has gone up...can't wait for the finished product!
- wood floors...beautiful, comfortable, easy to clean...what isn't there to love or be thankful for??
- our cars...still moving along...getting us to where we need to be
- my life...even in my restlessness, I'm so thankful to God for being able to live a full and purposeful life! Even in the waiting, there is much to be done!
- it's really moving listening to Lilbro share about all he's learned in J this past year!
27. 3 gifts "ugly beautiful"
- sleepless nights--but boy do I get things done! Procrastinator's favorite time of day...
- dirty dishes...more room to learn humility, servanthood, and discipline
- reconciliation--so awful to go through, but necessary for repairing relationships, seeking and extending forgiveness, and God-pleasing.
28. 3 gifts orange
- Oranges. Yum. So good!
- my orange leather work bag: Papacheng got it at a garage sale, its authentic leather quality has served me well even though I'm not super fond of the color.
- the biscuits at Lucille's...nom nom nom!
- my dog...always covered in dirt
- flowers...pretty!
- trees--beautiful!
30. a gift given, made, sacrificed
- this is many days late, but in honor of SpiderloverMOH's bday, I want to give thanks for her continual love and friendship and acceptance! 14 years and counting!
- our class project...finally complete!
- my classmates sacrificed time to help me make sure our project got completed...drove all the way out here to help me!
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