Joy Dare 4-6

Playing catch-up with Joy Dare:

4. One gift old, new, blue

  • old: friends who not only stay in touch, but with whom I have the privilege to partner in serving younger generations.
  • new: my new Hannah tree, that will help me on revived habits of intercession. Thanks, Spiderloverbridesmaid!
  • blue: my warm blankets and covers, they make sleep so comfortable!

5. Something you’re reading, you’re making, you’re seeing

  • “the Rich Family in Church” by Eddie Ogan—so much conviction about sacrifical giving to the Lord, and how rich I am indeed!
  • Time for people, or at least I’m trying to: time for family, Community, crazy kids, old friends, new friends, friends I see all the time, friends I see very rarely…
  • My clean dog: she’s beautiful, and I also feel proud of myself for being productive in washing her.

6. One thing in your bag, your fridge, your heart

  • pens and markers in my bag: at reach at any time for doodling, journaling, taking notes, etc.
  • Coke: so bad for me, but makes me so happy.
  • Renewed passion for the One who gave it all for me.


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