Legacy of Grace: generational blessings (part deux)

Once upon a time, a man was called by God to travel a vast ocean, to go and live among people very different from himself--the people of Canton--and share the gospel with said people.

After an arduous journey, he found himself settled in a village full of the Chaozhou people in southern China.  There, as he went around sharing the gospel, he met a certain lady, the HomeMaker, who had never received any education--as befitting a traditional Chinese homemaker and wife.  He took it upon himself to not only share the gospel, but teach the Homemaker how to read the Bible (in Latin) for herself.

This lady then took all that she had learned in the Bible, and shared the truth with her children and her family.  When the family decided to flee their Motherland because of political reasons and find refuge in Hong Kong, God protected that family, helping them to escape safely.  One of her relatives was even saved from a bullet's death by his Bible he kept in his breast pocket.

The HomeMaker's daughter, the Mother, heard the Word and was filled with joy, so much so that when she married, she insisted that her husband and her eight children also hear it and believe.  The Mother's husband and children were also filled with the knowledge of the goodness of God, and her children chose spouses and raised families of their own that also feared the Lord.

Today, this is what has become of the family:

  • The Mother's eldest daughter's son and daughter both gave up their full-time careers to go back to seminary, study, and become pastors--one a senior pastor at a Hong Kong church, one a youth minister.  Another son now works for World Vision.
  • The Mother's eldest son's oldest son has become a full-time campus minister.
  • The Mother's youngest son gave his life and lucrative career in banking, to travel from Hong Kong to the far far far land of America, study seminary, and become a pastor.  He now leads a Chinese-American church. His son has also become a campus minister.
  • The other children and grandchildren of the Mother also serve in the church, worship the Lord consistently, and bless others with their gifts and talents.

This is the story of my family.  An individual missionary shared the Word with my great-grandmother, who shared it with her daughter, my grandmother, who taught her children, one of which is my dad, to love Jesus.  And now it's our turn to love Him too.

"I, the LORD your God...shows love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments." ~Exodus 20:5-6


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