Dressember 2017...and reviving this blog

Hello!  I've missed blogging.  I guess it can be said that I've been doing other kinds of "blogging" via instagram, as well as exploring other types of expressive mediums (songwriting, lettering, painting and drawing), but I am a word-love at heart and so I've been inspired to return to this.  I guess it really doesn't matter how many people read this, but in case someone stumbles across this blog...

Anyway, I am participating in Dressember!  

Let me answer a few questions--quotes are directly from their website.

1. What is Dressember?

Dressember is a fashion challenge where advocates either wear a dress or tie/bowtie every day of the month of December to raise awareness and money for anti-trafficking efforts around the world. The heart of our advocacy is simple: we are seeking to bring dignity and freedom to everyone.

2. Why a dress?
3. Why are you doing this?

I participated in the Dressember campaign last year, and being deeply convicted about how God’s heart is zealous for Justice, I am committing to participating again this year as a way to both raise awareness and raise money for organizations that fight against human trafficking. You can join me by donating and/or wearing a dress or bow tie for the month of December.

My goal for this year is to raise $350. As an LCSW, I often have see the harmful effects that abuse and trauma can inflict on a person’s emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. $350 would be able to cover 8 hours of trauma therapy for a survivor of trafficking. This is a very small thing to offer a single person but can be a part of her/his healing process.

4. What does this have to do with me?

I'm hoping to accomplish a few things through my participation in Dressember.  Firstly, it's to raise money, as I mentioned before.  80% of the money will go to 3 awesome organizations that do great work to fight human trafficking: International Justice Mission, A21 Campaign, and the McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center. I'd be honored if you would consider donating to my fundraising page here:

I also hope to invite you along a journey of learning.  I'll be posting my thoughts and information I'm learning about the widespread issue of human trafficking as I go along.  I think that knowledge is power and leads to revelation, inspiration, and transformation through action.  I hope you and I will gain a better understanding of what's happening in the world, as well as a greater appreciation and love for God's heart for justice.

Lastly, I hope this will inspire you to join the movement!  You can participate through wearing a dress or bowtie for the month of December.  It's not too late to start!  Through our fashion choice for the month, you can open up important conversations and continue to advocate for this cause among your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, and others you meet.

Thanks for reading!


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