MDTS: "There is no passion to be found playing small..."

This year, I had the privilege of going to Johannesburg, South Africa, to serve people there for just a little while.  It was a wonderful time.

When Nelson Mandela passed away a few short weeks ago, I could scarcely believe it.  I can't believe I was in the same city as Nelson Mandela, for a short while.  Learning about his heart for people, learning about the Father's heart for people, in South Africa, and in the world.

One particular aspect I admired about Mandela and in which I hope to learn from him, is the way he lived his life well, with no regrets.  That's one thing I know I gained from the past six months.  I've learned and seen and experienced and been touched too much about people's pains, dreams, triumphs, to be satisfied with anything less than living to the fullest what Father has graciously bestowed to me.  The things I could do with my hands, the people I could love with my heart, the improbable (but not impossible) dreams I can help make reality with my mind... Being pedestrian is for crosswalks, not for life philosophies.

Before I left for Africa, I quaked with fear.  I told myself and God that I didn't want to go, that I didn't understand why He was telling me to go.  But I'm so glad I did.  I'm so glad I left home and went on this journey for myself.  The last day we were in South Africa, I woke up with a conviction in my heart that I had absolutely no regrets about anything I did there.  The mistakes, the trials, the struggling, as well as the relationships, the physical labor, the not-so-quiet endurance of flies and no running water.  The love.  The children.  The adults.  The broken-hearted.  The restored and redeemed.  The joy.  The dancing.  The singing.  The worshipping.  The glimpses of heaven on earth.

In two weeks time I will arrive in my hometown, ready to settle down at least for a while and learn to live a passionate, no-regrets life in the familiar.  I'm committed to this change in who I am.  I want to press forward toward the prize, throwing off all things that hinder, in order to win and live out that which Father has pre-ordained for me: oh the freedom, the satisfaction and fulfillment, the life! Can you see it?


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