Happy New Year!!

Happy 2013, friends!

There are many things I want to blog about--most especially all that I learned at the Urbana Conference!!-- but in honor of the new year, I want to share thoughts about starting a new leaf.

So 2012 was my Dragon Year, the year of conquering. First initial analysis: meh.  I'm giving myself until the official Chinese New Year of the Snake/my birthday to continuing working on some of the goals I'd set out for myself.  I'd like to think there was some conquering and overcoming done.  And then I have to honestly admit there are still a LOT of work to be done.

Highlights of 2012:

  • Discovering the Joy Dare: although didn't see that all the way through, the five months I devoted to it was a wonderful and life-giving exercise in seeing the J in JOY.
  • 40 Days of Purpose: seeing our church go through this, experience some growth, yes!
  • 3/4 of grad school complete!!  Can you believe that graduation is in May?
  • Spending time in Taiwan and Hong Kong, especially with my grandparents.
  • Having great and providing jobs, then having rest and more Sabbath through the freedom of leaving those jobs
  • a Great Internship that is so joy-filled and life-giving, and full of superb supervisors!
  • Renewing my efforts in CIA, building new relationships with girls and boys
  • Welcoming some new babies into our Community

So...2013, I've decided, is going to be very Christ-centered.  That was what I was most convicted about.  Christ the true center.  It is good to waste time on Him!!

I have a lot to think about and process. I had a chance to do some of that at Urbana, but being home affords the opportunities for silence and set-apart-ness that I lacked when surrounded by 16,000 convicted brothers and sisters.  For now, I'll say that Christ-centeredness has huge implications for post-graduation plans, how I'm spending my non-school/work times, obedience and discipline, and growing in discipleship.    More to come later!
Isaiah 43:19

This was one of the more peripheral things I learned at Urbana, but it was a huge comfort to me and appropriate for the new year.  :)


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